The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a great opportunity for young people to learn or develop skills and make new friends and can be very beneficial in their futures in many ways. When applying for jobs or applying for university being able to show that you are actively working towards or have completed your DofE at any level is sought after and will be very desirable in the eyes of an employer or recruiter.
Our Current D of E Members
Our Leaders
Manager/Leader - Julie Humes Admin/Leader - Charlotte Reid Verifier - David Humes Expedition Assessor - Phil Swaile
D of E and Us
We are delighted to be able to offer the Duke of Edinburgh Award – here at your own youth centre in Allendale! We welcome groups of young people, or individuals, to get registered and start your DofE Journey with us! Although you must be 14 years of age to achieve your award - you can join us as soon as you enter Year 9 in September – and start building those hours! Choose two of the sections below to which you can dedicate 12 weeks. Then choose a third to which you can commit 6 months (usually the thing you would enjoy the most!) - Volunteering - Physical Activity - New Skill At some point, you will plan and take part in an Expedition (walking, bike riding, canoeing etc, where you will make a journey under your own steam, carry your kit, and camp out with your group. Full support will be received from DofE Leaders Charlotte, Julie, Phil, Bel and James. Come and join us!